2022, The Year of…
11 Awareness Themed Years for 2022. Originally published on December 27, 2021
Each year several organizations run annual awareness campaigns. For 2022, these are the key focuses. There are also decade-long events, which I’ll cover in another newsletter. Let’s dive in. The year 2022 is:
International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture
Champion: United Nations
ABOUT: The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022) seeks to focus world attention on the role that small-scale fishers, fish farmers, and fish workers play in supporting food security and nutrition. Their work is critical in poverty eradication and sustainable natural resource use. Throughout the year, educational and on-the-ground initiatives will be in place to support these goals.
International Year of the Poppy
Champion: Fleuroselect Home Garden Association
ABOUT: Each year, one flower and one vegetable are chosen for focus by the Fleuroselect Home Garden Association. 2022 is the International Year of Poppy (Papaver), and not every poppy is a source of opium (Papaver Somniferum). Most play a vital role as ground cover, beautifying our surroundings and preventing landslides.
International Year of Basil
Champion: Fleuroselect Home Garden Association
ABOUT: Each year, one flower and one vegetable are chosen for focus by the Fleuroselect Home Garden Association. 2022 is the International Year of Basil (Lamiaceae). This plant originated in the tropical climates of Africa and Asia and is used in cooking worldwide. It's often eaten raw and used as a garnish.
International Year of Glass
Champion: International Commission on Glass
ABOUT: International Year of Glass educates communities about the rich history of glass and its enormous potential in energy saving, health, green economics, culture, and art.
Year of Grace
Champion: Archdiocese of Chicago
ABOUT: The 2022 liturgical year for Christianity began on November 28, 2021 (the first Sunday of Advent) and ended on Saturday, November 26, 2022. This year is the Year of Grace, a time to focus on performing good works and acts of mercy throughout the next 365 days.
2022 Herb of the Year, Viola
Champion: International Herb Association
ABOUT: As is the custom since 1991, IHA names its herb or plant of the year. In 2022 it is the Viola. (Violet, Pansey, Heartsease, et al.).
A flowering plant is native to the Northern Hemisphere and part of the Violaceae family. In addition to its decorative properties, its uses include medicinal purposes, including anti-inflammation, a diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, and a laxative.
Pantone 2022 Color of the Year, PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri
Champion: Pantone World Headquarters
ABOUT: Pantone declares the theme color for each year in December before the start of the year. For 2022, the purple color Very Peri is the year's color.
International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development
Champion: United Nations, UNESCO
ABOUT: From UNESCO: “A basic understanding of natural phenomena, and those generated by human imagination and organization, is essential for implementing Agenda 2030. The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development 2022 will be a crucial moment of mobilization to convince economic and political leaders and the public at large.
Areas of science and technology this year are meant to highlight the following Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations:
1) Health and well-being (SDG 3);
2) Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6);
3) Affordable and clean energy (SDG 7);
4) Climate action (SDG 13);
5) Life below water (SDG 14);
6) Life on land (SDG 15)."
Years of COVID-19, 2020-2022
Champion: Pandemic-No Sponsor
ABOUT: Well, darn. I hoped I wouldn't have to add another year to the three-year moniker of Years of COVID-19. Still, with the identification of the Omicron variant in late November 2021, it appears we have yet another year in the twilight zone of the pandemic.
Year of Groundwater
Champion: IGRAC
ABOUT: With the World Water Forum occurring in December 2022, the United Nations and partner organizations worldwide are focusing on making "the invisible, visible." Groundwater, such as aquifers, wells, and grottos, is rarely seen and therefore doesn't always consider to alleviate the need for water around the globe. Currently, nearly 35% of the planet's people are water insecure. Groundwater is an untapped resource that organizations worldwide plan to focus on during 2022.
Year of Hope
Champion: Based upon Numerology. No Sponsor.
ABOUT: For people who follow numerology, the numbers representing the year 2022 equate to the year of hope. Given the past couple of years worldwide, hope is in much-needed supply!
The number 20 portends competing forces, which push people to find common ground, and this theme defines the century. However, the number 22 is associated with building, planning, and defining a base, an infrastructure to work with, and returning to a more ordered sense of life.
Scotland's Year of Stories
Champion: EventScotland
ABOUT: 2022 is Scotland’s Year of Stories. The nation will annually celebrate stories inspired by, created, or written in Scotland.
European Union's Year of Youth 2022
Champion: European Commission
ABOUT: From the Event Champion website: "The European Year of Youth will go hand in hand with NextGenerationEU, which reopens perspectives for young people, including quality jobs and education and training opportunities for the Europe of the future, and supports young people's participation in society.
The Year of Youth will seek synergies and complementarity with other EU programs targeting youth across the policy spectrum - from rural development programs focusing on young farmers to research and innovation programs, and from cohesion to climate change actions - including EU programs with international outreach or of a transnational nature."
Year of the Tiger
Champion: Chinese Astrology
ABOUT: The Chinese Calendar relies upon the phases of the moon. It runs in 12-year cycles, each year denoting a different animal in Chinese astrology. This year is the Year of the Tiger. 2022 is the Chinese year 4720, and the Year of the Tiger begins on February 1, 2022, and ends on January 21, 2023.
That’s the summary of 2022’s annual events. As we discover more, we’ll add them to the calendar. Happy New Year! May this be your most successful, comfortable, and productive year ever.
) is a soon-to-launch web-based application of over 7,500 events, holidays, and anniversaries designed around the needs of professional marketers and editorial departments, created by marketing and editorial veteran LD Lewis. Follow us on Twitter @promocalendar and via our LinkedIn page, https://www.linkedin.com/company/leep-publishing.